Web Design

Great design makes you stand out from the competition. And great design isn’t just the process of making things look pretty. While aesthetics are a major component of all of our designs, usability is just as important. We take pride in making sure that the information you present is clear and easy to navigate.

Responsive Design

A responsive website is designed to provide customized experiences to viewers no matter what device they are using to access the website. From smart phones to web-connected televisions, your site always looks its best when using responsive design. More and more people interact with the internet using their smart phones. Having a website that scales beautifully for mobile devices is just simply an expectation of modern consumers. And responsive design provides that scalability. A website designed responsively is also favored in Google’s search engine algorithm, meaning that your site will have a better chance of showing up in relevant results when it is responsive.

Our Web Design Services

  • Visual Design
  • UI & UX Design
  • Site Architecture
  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Branding and Logo

Design for All Phases of the Project Cycle

Whether you are running a start-up or you are a part of an organization with a well established brand, Align can adapt to your specific needs.  Some web projects may require crafting a site based upon well established branding guidelines while others require us to start from scratch.  We are perfectly suited to handle either option by adeptly leveraging our full suite of design services.  The result is a great web presence that perfectly defines and speaks to your organization’s brand..