Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

At Desilor, we are up to date with the latest changes to the major search engine algorithms to ensure that your site is fully optimized for the best possible organic search results. From content writing, to customizing code, our SEO experts know how to make your site shine.

Great SEO takes time and effort. Unlike the SEO companies who inundate you with daily phone solicitations (no, they aren’t really “your local Google representative”) , we don’t play the game of guaranteeing placement. Those sketchy strategies may work in the short term but are disastrous for your brand in the long term. We implement the long-term strategies necessary to achieve long-term success.

SEO Strategy and Planning

Effective SEO campaigns don’t happen by accident.  Let us plan your SEO for success from A to Z.

Keyword Research and Analysis

What are the exact terms that your customers are using?  Let us find out for you.

Keyword Strategy and Targeted Keyword Implementation

What is the best way to integrate your keywords into your site?  Let us guide you.

Audit and Analysis of Current SEO Efforts

Let Desilor help you to figure out what is working and not working with your current website.

Organic and Paid SEO Campaign Strategy

Desilor will seamlessly integrate your optimization and marketing strategies.

Mobile Search Engine Optimization

Make sure your SEO works on all devices.

SEO Campaign Analysis and Reporting

Tracking results and adapting to change is a key component for success

On-Page Optimization

Let us work your keywords seamlessly into the site content.